Christian Preschool
Food Policy
We offer snack each class time. Snack time helps us remember to pray before eating, learn good table manners and learn to clean up after ourselves. Parents are asked to help supply snacks, but it is not required. Parents bringing snacks are encouraged to bring in healthy snacks as we strive to teach healthy habits and provide the fuel children need for growth and play. A list of suggestions follows, but feel free to be creative:
Bagels/cream cheese
Goldfish crackers
Grapes, bananas, apples, oranges
Granola bars
Graham crackers
Dried fruit (bananas, raisins, etc)
Fruit cups
Animal Crackers (Barnums are peanut free)
String cheese
milk, 100% juice (we will have water available at all times)
Our Pre-K Extension, Lunch Bunch, & Kindergarten Exploration classes will need to bring a packed lunch to eat each day.