Christian Preschool
Special Events
Bright Beginnings Christian Preschool offers a variety of special programs and enrichment activities for children and their families throughout the school year. These include:
Meet the Teacher
End of August
We kick off each school year with our Meet the Teacher Event. This event gives our students a chance to see their classrooms as well as meet their teachers and a few of their classmates before school starts. An ice cream social is part of this event.

Each October, Bright Beginnings has its own on-site pumpkin patch where the students get to pick a pumpkin, play in a maze and enjoy treats out in the crisp fall air.
Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair comes to Bright Beginnings each December. The store is open each day during arrival and dismissal as well as the Christmas Programs & Breakfast with Santa.
Breakfast with Santa is a fun way to kick off the month of December. We serve a pancake breakfast for families with fun activites and everyone's favorite man in the red suit! Following the breakfast, children may stay for a fun afternoon of games, crafts, stories and snacks built around a special holiday theme.
Breakfast with
Santa & Holiday House
In early December, our students fill the sanctuary with song as they perform a special evening Christmas concert for families and friends.
Children are able to invite an adult who is near and dear to them to enjoy a special day at preschool.
Someone Special Day
Community Helpers Week
Community helpers such as policemen, firemen, doctors, and dentists visit our students during throughout the month of March.
Held the first Sunday in May, this event showcases our children’s singing and artistic talents. It also serves as the primary fund raiser for Bright Beginnings, with exciting auction packages for you to bid on and enjoy!
Spring Sing & Art Show
Kindergarten Exploration
International Expo
April or May
Our Kindergarten Exploration students showcase thier artwork, dances, science experiements and food during this special event.
Each May, Good Green Earth brings their petting zoo of adorable farm animals, including some very cute spring babies to Bright Beginnings.
Good Green Earth
Graduation & Carnivals
End of May
We end our year with a bang! The last week of the school year features graduation/promotion ceremonies. Our end of the year carnival is a wonderful way to celebrate a great year full of fun and exploration
Throughout the year, our Pre-K - A.C.E. students go on various field trips to enhance their learning experience.